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EHP stands for 'Emotional Healing Process'
An entire website is dedicated to sharing what we have learned and developed so far
about Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
That website is: http://process.mystrikingly.com
Emotional Healing Processes are one of the services provided by Possibility Coaches, Possibility Mediators, Possibility Psychologists, Memetic Engineers, Possibility Trainers, and other next culture professionals.
In addition, EHPs are often the core success factor in authentic adulthood initiations, and a key element in physical and mental healing.
Over 100 actual Emotional Healing Processes have been recorded and are available for viewing at: http://createpossibility.mystrikingly.com/#100-videos
A 'Dojo' can be defined as a 'formal training temple for immersive learning'.
In Japanese, the term 'dōjō' literally means: 'place of the Way' .
In this case, the phrase, 'the Way', refers to 'a Path of authentic Adulthood Initiatory and Healing Processes contexted in Archiarchy'.
'Archiarchy' is 'the regenerative adulthood-initiation and nonmaterial-value centered human culture that is naturally emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course'.
EHP Dojo Is A Path
EHP Dojo is NOT an 'open space' or a 'free space'.
EHP Dojo is a weekly gathering that is 'held and navigated' so that is is contexted in clear Distinctions,
and delivers specific Thoughtware, Practices, and Processes.
There are Prerequisites before you can participate in an EHP Dojo.
And there are Protocols for how we do things together here.
All this makes EHP radically safe, and incredibly effective at being a Space where Creatively Collaborating Adults help each other heal and grow up.
EHP Dojo includes the following elements:
EHP Dojo Is From Archiarchy
Archiarchy is the name of the regenerative human cultures rapidly emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Emotional Healing Processes are central to the authentic adulthood initiatory processes in Archiarchal cultures. This is why EHP Dojo serves all the various emerging new Archiarchal gameworlds.EHP Dojo Is Contexted In Radical Responsibility
Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware defines 'responsibility' as 'burden', 'blame', 'clean up other people's messes', 'you must pay', 'guilt', etc. That is why those who best avoid responsibility become modern culture heroes. The problem is that modern culture is exterminating life on Earth at the fastest possible rate. Perhaps using updated thoughtware would be useful?
Radical Responsibility is radically updated thoughtware. It is the center and beginning point of thoughtware from next culture - Archiarchy.
EHP Dojo Promotes You Becoming An Experimenter
They sent you to school? Too bad. You are sending your own kids to school? Are you nuts? School crushes any natural impulse you might have had to be an Experimenter. Part of healing from school is to do the Self Surgeries to reconnect with your imagination, reclaim your authentic curiosity, and take back your Authority for setting out on daily Discovery journeys. The thousands of Experiments provided in StartOver.xyz, the online transformation game, are each a Doorway into unfolding further elements of your authentic self. No one can Experiment for you. No one can stop you from Experimenting.
EHP Dojo Uses Conscious Feelings
Modern culture teaches the Old Thoughtmap Of Feelings.
There is a New Thoughtmap Of Feelings.
On the new thoughtmap of feelings:
There are no good or bad feelings, no positive or negative feelings.Instead, feelings are neutral energy and information that serve you as an adult.
Feelings are different from Emotion:
- Feelings are for handling things.
- Emotions are for healing things.
- Emotions are anger, sadness, fear, or joy that last longer than 3 minutes.
Emotions such as guilt, shame, envy, greed, resentment, revenge, disgust, jealousy, etc. are Mixed Emotions used by your Gremlin for food. Mixed Emotions can be Unmixed and turned back into useful Feelings.
EHP Dojo Is Centered On Adulthood
Adulthood is not welcomed in modern culture. Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes have been banned, leaving modern citizens in survival mode as uninitiated adolescents, even if you are elected to the top of national or multinational hierarchies. Seeking Adulthood takes you to the edge of modern culture, making you an Edgeworker. Without building stability in the Adult Egostate, you cannot gain access to the archetypal domains where ecstatic 5 Body intimacy can be negotiated.
EHP Dojo Uses Clarity About Your Gremlin
Since one fateful evening in 1998 we have learned so much about what Gremlin is, what it is for, how to make it conscious, how to use Gremlin in the creative life of a Free And Natural Initiated Adult. Some elements include:
- Gremlin
- Gremlin Hunter
- Gremlin Reconstruction
- Gremlin Transformation
- Gremlin Type 2
- Gremlin Journals
- Gremlin Violence
- Gremlin Self Cannibalism
These Distinctions have become core elements of EHP Dojo, yet are further explored in processes, workshops and trainings provided by other Possibilitators.
EHP Dojo Uses Clarity About Decontaminating Your Adult Egostate
A standard Survival Strategy is to mix your Child Egostate, or your Parent Egostate, or your Gremlin Egostate into your Adult Egostate. As a child and adolescent you survive well, but when it comes time to enter adulthood, your Adult Egostate is Contaminated. This means that even if you want to relate as an adult in personal or professional relations, you cannot. The Child, Parent, and/or Gremlin ideas, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors take over instead as your Survival Strategy. The way out of this Contaminated Adult Egostate condition is called Decontamination. The works is simple, but requires that you have support from trained Decontamination Team members.
EHP Dojo Is A Core Element In Possibilitator Training
Possibilitator Training include many facets:
- Possibilitators
- Possibilitator Training
- Possibilitator Resources
- Possibilitator Skills
- Possibilitator Meetings
- Possibilitator Training Films List
Possibilitators work together building-out new regenerative culture gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant. Don't get left behind playing in a stupid gameworld.
EHP Dojo Promotes A Life Of Practice
Practicing builds Matrix that can capture and hold more Consciousness so that your Being expands. From sunup to sundown, your life can be filled with Reminding Factors, Edgework Experiments, and transformational Practices, and no one around you needs to know. Regular participation in EHP Dojo is part of A Life Of Practice.
EHP Dojo Is Powered By Possibility Management
Possibility Management is a set of tools, thoughtmaps, distinctions, and processes that are open-code and copyleft. This means it is free for the taking. It is the kind of Treasure that grows by giving it away. Not only that, it is exciting beyond measure to discover things you did not know that you did not know about. Find out for yourself:
EHP Dojo Is A Consciously Cavitate, Held, And Navigated Space
Spaceholding Skills are different from Leadership Skills. Leadership works in hierarchical organizations. Spaceholding works in circular organizations. EHP Dojo is a circular organization using distinctions, tools, and processes from Torus Technology.
EHP Dojo Has Entry Requirements
Before coming to your first EHP Dojo session, it is required that you complete a 3-part Warmup Dojo first. Then session after session, EHP Dojo moves you astonishingly around the Learning Spiral. It is so exciting to notice how others gain more competence and confidence as they grow up and heal. What is even more exciting is that a similar amount of learning is happening for you!
EHP Dojo Is A Path
A Path is different from a curriculum which can be completed and given a 'diploma of graduation'. A Path can never be completed. The Archiarchal Path in Possibility Management includes ongoing authentic adulthood healing and initiatory processes, as needed, when necessary. On a Path, there is no top end. As has been said, "There is more than one Path up the Mountain, but there is no Mountain."
EHP Dojo Is Central To Possibility Team
If your Being guards its present shape, how will you access new Possibility? How can you apply new behaviors? How can you create new outcomes?
The short answer is: You cannot.
The shape of your Being determines how you can interact with the world.
Possibility Team is about helping each other create actual new results in our lives.
If you do not change shape, the world keeps relating to you the same as always. Function follows form.
If your Being is to change shape, it will go through a Liquid State.
One of the most useful Liquid States is an Emotional Healing Process.
If you are in a Possibility Team, get yourself into an EHP Dojo.
EHP Dojo Is Central To Rage Club and Fear Club
Learning to feel is Phase 1 of Feelings Work.
Rage Club and Fear Club are both perfect for Phase 1.But... why don't you already know how to feel?
Because your are still using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware.
Because you went to school.
Because you made a 'nice girl' or 'good boy' Box.
Because you are still surviving and not actually living.
Because it was not okay to feel in your family.
Because you put in Energetic Blocks.
Because you made Old Decisions in past lives not to feel.
Because... Because... Because...
We have so many Reasons.
Transforming each of these walls into a Doorway to a new future needs not only Conscious Feelings, not only understanding... it requires Emotional Healing Processes with our trusted friends at EHP Dojo.
EHP Dojo Is Central To Possibility Coaching
Learning to receive and deliver Emotional Healing Processes leads you in the direction of becoming a Possibility Coach, providing a set of opportunities to your individual and organizational Clients that originate in the Context of Possibility. This means that Possibility Coaching is unique for these times, and provides value that is very different from anything offered in the Jungian Freudian Psychoanalytical context.
EHP Dojo Is Central To Becoming A Possibility Coach
Delivering Emotional Healing Processes as a Possibility Coach is a Specialty in Possibilitator Training, a value delivered in next culture, Archiarchy.
The Spaceholder for the Possibilitator Specialty of Possibility Coaching is Christine Dürschner. We are fortunate to now have Possibility Coaching Training, and a growing global community of professional next-culture Possibility Coaches.EHP Dojo Is Central To Possibility Mediation
Possibility Mediation incorporates 5 Body intelligences for efficiently navigating to positive outcomes between individuals, couples, families, and organizations. The Spaceholder for the Possibilitator Specialty of Possibility Mediation is OPEN.
EHP Dojo Is Central To Possibility Psychology
Possibility Psychology ('Psychology of Possibility') is a breakthrough in psychological understanding and process work. We know that transformation is possible through direct experience, but how does it work? How is evolution enhanced? Human beings have direct access to Archetypal Domains in our daily lives. How do we get initiated? How do we navigate and make use of extraordinary and archetypal spaces? What stops us? How can we expand beyond current limitation? Incorporating transformation into our skillset for unleashing human potential is the purpose of Possibility Psychology.
EHP Dojo Is Central To Gameworld Building
The ability to build a new Gameworld starts when your Being shifts to a new shape so that you can unfold new capacities and the Universe can interact with you differently. EHPs change the shape of your Being.
Life can be divided into the time before you understood about Gameworlds, and the time you learned about Gameworlds. If you participate in a Gameworld that is not of your Values and of your making, then you are a pawn in someone else's Gameworld. The Possibilitator Specialty of Gameworld Builder - especially Gaian Gameworlds - emerges as a global Team through Gameworld Incubator. The Spaceholder for Gameworld Incubators is Anne-Chloé Destremau.
EHP Dojo Is Central To The Ongoing Success Of A Possibility Village
Implementing your new Gaian Gameworld Village means relocating your Point Of Origin, from the unsustainable capitalist patriarchal empire to the regenerative next culture of Archiarchy.
Not just you, but everyone involved in your Possibility Village needs to make this leap.
Think how many Healings, Initiations, Thoughtware Upgrades, Tools, Thoughtmaps, and Processes are involved to make such a wholesale transformation.
It could be crucially to your success to arrange for your entire Village to get the support of in an Emotional Healing Process Dojo.
EHP Dojo Is Navigated By Evolutionaries
There are 4 Archetypal Lineage categories:
It is often the case that those interested in Navigating EHP Dojos are from the Evolutionaries.
EHP Dojo Is Central To Trainer Path
Being well able to receive and deliver Emotional Healing Processes is a valuable element of many Specialties in Archiarchal Cultures.
One specific Evolutionary Specialty which applies highly developed EHP skills is Being A Trainer. Possibility Trainer is a Specialty in Possibilitator Training. We are fortunate to have Possibility Trainer Training in the Trainer Path, serving a growing global community of professional next-culture Possibility Trainers. The Spaceholder for Trainer Path is Anne-Chloé Destremau.
EHP Collaboration Group (on Telegram)
(a letter from Anna Rudolf 6 April 2022)
Dear Team,
I am very much afraid to write this ✴️ LOOONG TEXT, to be kicked out of this precious group 💎& that some of you might think I am in the low-drama triangle. ⚠️ I checked that, & I am happy to receive feedback if you perceive something else.
What I am writing here has been somehow initiated by Anne-Chloé's question in the Fear Club of what really is a Team, and her saying that if we stop caring we are slowly committing suicide. (Correct me if I misunderstood.)
I feel anger because somehow this group does not work and I see so much more possible.🔮 As of today we are 276 beings in this group!!! 💪 🙌🤩And I want to use my anger to make it work and to speak up.
I am sad to see so many requests unanswered. I am sad because some are put into the victim category. (Is that really relevant if someone is asking for an EHP? Does it make sense to teach a lesson this way?)
I am sad I did not find someone for my last emergency request. I am sad because it took me a while to realize that when someone asks for an EHP, a vulnerable gap for healing opens which can be A CRUCIAL MOMENT for their own TRANSFORMATION. 💫
I am sad because this precious moment has so often faded into nothingness for so many beings in this group. Then their healing journey is dragged on and prolonged. Do we have that time? I do not. 🤶⏰ Gaia does not. 🌍
I am sad because I know that this situation is also created by my contribution. It is also my responsibility as I chose to be part of this team. The thing is that I need your help in this. I want us to create together.🤲🤝🧙♀️🤹♂️🪄🦹♀️🧚♀️🧜♂️🧞🧝♀️
I admit that often I read other people's requests and I see myself hesitate until my Box or Gremlin finds excuses. E.g.: "I am not professional. I only have 20 min. The requested hour does not fit. I don’t have my laptop with me. I don’t have experience in that topic. That person is too big for me…I am tired…I am hungry…"
…And I want to change that because it is not working for me anymore. 🛑
I am sad because I see how much this reflects a shadow of society/humankind. 👤
It is as if someone has physical pain, and it is difficult for another person to imagine how it feels to be in that person's body experiencing their pain. If one does not perceive pain himself, the other person's pain is seemingly not so relevant…it’s not so urgent.
But it IS urgent!
I have just been in that pain and it opened my eyes 👀 about how much more I can and want to be there for others, even if don’t have a f*-ing clue about how to do it, and I feel scared as hell! I sense many here are scared as hell to Hold Space. Today I realized ANY OTHER BEING IN THIS GROUP would have been of evolutionary help to me… even if it is just listening to me. What we discover needs to be heard - so we can make a shift.
I feel joy about realizing this. And I am glad, that E.C.C.O. brought me this moment to speak up. 🙏
I want to accelerate healing for all of us.
I am committing to your and my healing.
I want to shift into being a Free And Natural Adult asap 💃🦹♀️🧚♀️🧞💫🔮 and I don’t want to play and create on my own. And I sense going through a fire of EHPs is on my way there. ➡️
(I will make some time proposals next week & a doodle…if there are some people interested of course).
Thank you those for reading this message. 😇
In huge huge fear I send you much love ❤️
(Link for joining Telegram EHP Collaboration Group: http://t.me/joinchat/WC5Px3vhJLpGU-Cz)
An Invitation to Emotional Healing Processes
by Dor Sharabi www.doorway2possibility.com
Possibility Management Project: an Introduction to Emotional Healing Process
by Melissa Denuzo and Anja Rohlf
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EHP Dojo is designed to support people committed to regularly receiving and Holding Space for Emotional Healing Processes.
We commit to attending and participating in the weekly healing space whether we (think we) need it or not that day. We do not attend only for 'me'; we attend also for 'us'. This way, when an especially vulnerable EHP Doorway presents itself, then your team is there for you because you are there for them.
The commitment as a Dojo member includes showing up more often than not. As a Team, we strive to communicate about who to expect at gathering time. It is highly recommended to attend several sessions in a row at first when you join. Regular attendance helps to weave you into the existing matrix of trust and intimacy.
We arrive NO LESS THAN 3 minutes before the top of the hour start time.
After a short check-in, we split up into breakout rooms of parallel EHP spaces within the Dojo space. We stay for the entire EHP Dojo time even when we are feeling big Feelings and big Mixed Emotions and might feel afraid of 'looking bad'.
REMEMBER: EHP Dojo is a 'Learning Team', not a 'Looking Good Team'.
EHP Dojo is Contexted in Radical Responsibility. All interactions are Responsibly and Consciously Negotiated by offering and listening to Proposals with the people present within a small NOW.
Afterwards, we each share our gathered jewels of insights, Distinctions, new Decision, and Discoveries with the entire group via our shared Telegram group. The Dojo Spaceholder will curate the Telegram messages, deleting timebound logistics while keeping the jewels as a growing field of ongoing inspiration.
So many people in the world suffer needlessly simply because no one ever told them about the Possibility of participating in an EHP Dojo. You can help end the suffering by spreading Legends about the incredible Value of EHP Dojo. REMEMBER: When sharing Legends, talk about what happened for you, not what happened for others. What happens in EHP Dojo stays in EHP Dojo!
Before participating in your first EHP Dojo, it is required that you do the 3 Warmup Dojo exercises as specified in the next section of this website.
It is also recommended to have thoroughly read the book Conscious Feelings by Clinton Callahan, also available in other languages.
There is space for up to two new members in the upcoming Wednesday online EHP Dojo, at 9 AM Washington DC time (EDT, GMT-4). And then up to two more new members the following Wednesday, and so on.
It is a tradition in the EHP Dojo Gameworld that the Spaceholder coaches and shares best practices with qualified persons who wishes to Take A Stand for creating and running an EHP Dojo. This way, EHP Dojo Spaceholders may take on one or two Apprentice Spaceholders, who may also occasionally hold space for the EHP Dojo when the Main Spaceholder participates in Possibility Labs, etc.
When you are ready to join an EHP Dojo, or if you have further questions, please message me using the CONTACT FORM below.
In Connection,
Ann Elizabeth EHP Warmup Dojo
'Warmup Dojo' is the 3-part prerequisite Matrix-Building work to do
before coming to your first EHP Dojo.
Learn to Inner Navigate low intensity Feelings and Emotions of anger, sadness, fear, and joy by lowering your Numbness Bar (New Thoughtmap Of Feelings) and communicating clearly what you feel. Is it a Feeling? Or is it an Emotion?
Which Egostate are you in? What is your Purpose? Where is your Gremlin?
Inner Navigating your Emotional Body is perhaps most efficiently and effectively learned during an Expand The Box training.
For your information, Expand The Box trainings are regularly offered around the world, both online and offline, in various languages. Dates and details for registering for Expand The Box and other trainings, talks, and workshops are listed online at the Possibility Management CALENDAR.
2. 3-3-3 PRACTICE
Unpack your emotional world and 'blow out your tubes' to get a fresh start with your Emotional Body using 3-3-3 Practice, and / or Rage Club, and / or Fear Club, and / or Expand The Box training.
Learn to Inner Navigate higher intensity Feelings and Emotions through participating in the Complete Incomplete Emotions process, for example, at your Possibility Team or in your 3 Cell.
After completing your Warmup Dojo prerequisites, please contact the EHP Dojo Spaceholder shown in the EHP Dojos section, or using the CONTACT FORM below.
Example EHP Warmup Dojo
EHP Dojos
EHP Dojos are forming up online and offline around the world.
Some EHP Dojos are open to any lineage.
Some EHP Dojos are specific for a specified Practice Circle or Possibilitator Specialty.
We invite you look through the list below and find an EHP Dojo that suits you.
One day there will be EHP Dojo Spaceholder Trainings so that you can open your own EHP Dojo.
EHP Dojo - Global Open
LINEAGE: Open to any lineage.
FORMAT: Online with Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81477613222
DURATION: Ongoing from September 2022.
TIME: 20:00 (8pm) Central European Time (CET).
DAY OF THE WEEK: Tuesdays.
SPACEHOLDER: Nicole Hartley-Bradford
Emotional Healing Collaboration Group On Telegram
We have a lively global EHP Collaboration Group on Telegram.
Instructions for how to join us:
1. Download Telegram on your phone or laptop.
2. Add your photo to your Telegram Account
3. Use this link to join the group: t.me/joinchat/WC5Px3vhJLpGU-Cz
4. Introduce yourself when you join by telling us your EHP and PM background.
Below are a couple of 'legends' about how this EHP Group came into existence.
EHP Experiments
WARMUP DOJO Experiment 1:
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.01
Inner Navigating skills are a pre-requisite to enter the EHP Dojo.
Human beings have 5 Bodies (physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic, and archetypal), not just a mind and a body as modern culture teaches. EHP Dojo needs all your 5 Bodies turned on and activated so you can intelligently navigate what you experience during Conscious Feelings work.
Inner Navigating is the central skillset in Whole Permaculture.
We think that the quickest and most thorough way to unleash your Inner Navigating resources is to participate in an Expand The Box training, online or offline.
When you feel ready to dive into the next level deeper with your Inner Navigating work, register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz, and then start WARMUP DOJO Experiment 2, below.
WARMUP DOJO Experiment 2:
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.02
3-3-3 is a pre-requisite to enter the EHP Dojo.
The instructions for 3-3-3 are simple. They are clearly explained at the 3-3-3 Website. Be sure to inform your housemates, neighbors, or partner that you are doing loud, theatrical experiments alone in your bed for the next 3 minutes to clean out and activate your Emotional Body to use as a resource in your life. Tell them it may sound very angry, very sad, very scared, or very joyful, but it will only last three minutes each time, and you will be fine.
After your first ten 3-3-3 Sessions as warm-up for EHP Dojo, please register Matrix Code EHPDOJOX.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Harbigarrr! Now go to WARMUP DOJO Experiment 3, below.
WARMUP DOJO Experiment 3:
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.03
Being able to complete incomplete emotions is a pre-requisite to enter the EHP Dojo.
Once you have started doing 3-3-3 Practice and have some experience Inner Navigating, read through the instructions for the Complete Incomplete Emotions process. This Process is simple yet transformational. It works in all 5 Bodies at the same time.
Then arrange to Complete Incomplete Emotions with your Possibility Team or 3Cell. Do it for 30 to 45 minutes, shifting from emotional hotspot to emotional hotspot within yourself. Make it big, deep, and thorough each time.
After you can do this, you are warmed up for EHP Dojo.
You may even want to open up a weekly Complete Incomplete Emotions space online or offline. Charge 15 Euros per session and make it one of your Nickle Machines.
After your first Complete Incomplete Emotions process, please register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.04
In your next 3 meetings with your Possibility Team, Women's Circle, Men's Circle, or 3Cell, read through and discuss:
Let people know that you want to do this to better prepare yourself to participate in an Emotional Healing Process Dojo.
Do a few of the Experiments in each of the websites together. Ask for lots of time to repeat the skills with feedback and coaching from your Team.
Use examples of your daily-life situations at home, with neighbors, with family, or at work.
After your third meeting focused on using your feelings and emotions more consciously, please register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.05
Ask to dedicate one of your circular team's meetings to the question of whether or not you actually want to have the influence of Bright Principles such as Evolution or Transformation or Healing in the Context of your Team. This is a rather serious decision to make, with consequences that may attract more people into your Team, or cause some current Team participants to react and actually leave the Team.
To inform yourselves about what you are deciding, read all the way through the website http://process.mystrikingly.com together out loud, discussing it until the Distinctions are clear for everyone. Then you can make an intelligently informed decision together.
NOTE: Increasing Clarity can cause change. The 5 Phases Of Change is not necessarily a smooth ride. If you make the decision to meet in the name of Transformation, Evolution, or Healing, and one or more people wish to leave the Team, we encourage you to make the departure formal by using a mini Requiem Process, to share about the joy of the connection, and any grief, anger, or fear in the departure. Let everyone speak, to check-in, and check-out so that all is felt and said. The aim is to consciously complete the change without leaving any emotional residue for anyone.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.06
A small team of Possibility Coaches collected over 100 samples of actual (e.g. not acted out) Emotional Healing Processes that the Clients were willing to share with others online. It is so valuable to view them because you see both the Client and the Coach at the same time.
Watch 3 of the Emotional Healing Processes on the Create Possibility Website. Choose the one that seem to touch you the most. Notice the transformation. Watch how 3 years of therapy can happen in 45 minutes of an emotional healing process. And the proof is to hunt down the client, try to find who those people are and ask them how did their life change after going through that particular process. What were the results? After you have talked to at least two of the three people, register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Also please register the Matrix Code for each process that you watch. Thank you.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.07
This Experiment is to create a Study Group to read through the Conscious Feelings book by Clinton Callahan.
You can find additional PM books to choose from for your Study Group, also in other languages at:
You might think that merely reading out loud a book together (online...) could never make much difference in people's lives, but we have also been amazed. The 'Radiant Joy Brilliant Love / Building Love That Lasts Study Group' continued for 70 weeks without stopping, and still continues!
(For info about this Study Group, ask at the Possibility Creation Village Telegram group: https://t.me/+ViEuN7pEHlcSDlCv) Whole new worlds were created as spinoff from the creative collaborations. EHP Dojo is one example!
After making it through 100 pages in your Study Group the Spaceholder and all participants can register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.07 in their free accounts at StartOver.xyz.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.08
Aikido is a gameworld.
The international spaceholder for the Aikido gameworld is Ueshiba Moriteru, the grandson of Ueshiba Morihei, who was the originator of Aikido. Their global gameworld website is: https://www.aikido-international.org.Go online, locate an actual space that's used for Aikido practice. Contact the Dojo Master and ask to be able to sit in the space and observe while students come in and participate in an actual Dojo practice session. Use your Beep! Book and write down every protocol that you can detect that is alive and functioning in the Aikido Dojo so that Aikido practice can happen. Make a list of the protocols, for example:
1. Everybody wears the same uniform.
2. Everyone goes barefoot.
3. Everybody bows before stepping onto the practice mat.
4. Etc.
By each protocol, make a note about what the agreement to behave like this creates in the space.
Present your findings at your next Team meeting, and consider what the protocols are of your gameworld.
After this meeting, please register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.08 at your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.09
When you return to your living quarters, look around and make 3 changes in your physical environment to make it more into a Dojo.
For example, make sure that whenever you are in your work space, you have three items available necessary for Emotional Healing Processes:
- Tissues.
- A plastic bucket.
- A hand towel.
- Altar
Notice what this formal practice does to you work space.
Share about what you did at your next Team meeting, then register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.09 in your StartOver.xyz account.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.10
For the next week, sleuth about. You are an investigator of emotional wounds. Reserve a page at the back of your Beep! Book and at every meeting that you are, formal or informal (focus on the formal ones), investigate, scan looking for any emotional reactivity that is hindering extraordinary—for example, bringing the energy down, killing creativity, destroying intimacy, or vulnerability.
Use the four emotions and the mixed emotions. In your Beep! Book write "Fear of this... shame about this... guilt about this..."
The purpose is to realize how much emotional healing is needed to live with each other and create gameworlds, new projects, and teams. Also, write the consequence of having the emotional Reactivity. For example, it may create mistrust, and things were not shared or considered, etc. After you have written down the consequences of unaddressed EHPs for 50 people, write an article to share what you figured out. Read your article out loud at your next meeting, then register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.10 in your account at StartOver.xyz.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.11
Go to an online postcard printing shop and print 500 postcards. Use the EHP Dojo logo on the front, with the website on the back and the question "What if it works?"
Place these Reminding Factors around town everywhere. Especially when you are at a meeting. Hand people cards when you notice the necessity for an EHP. You don't have to tell them anything just hand them the card. Take A Stand for the value that you receive in EHPs and stop keeping it a secret. Take a stand that the value is available for anybody. The cards are a Reminding Factor that "Something completely different from this is possible right now." After you place or pass out out 100 of your cards in different places, register your Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.11 in your account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.12
After you've experienced 13 Emotional Healing Processes as the Client, write an article about Noticing your own evolution during that time. Publish your article.
Try to be clear and specific with examples about what has shifted and what each shift opens up for you in terms of new options to choose from, or new inner resources that you have access to.
Use the link to your article as the proof when you register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.12.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.13
Have a conversation with the Spaceholder of an EHP Dojo that you could attend. Ask them if you can join. In other words, do whatever it takes to join an EHP Dojo for the next 3 months.
Participate in at least 90% of the weekly meetings during that time.
If the Dojo finishes before the 3 months, make sure that you join another one, or move on to the next experiment of creating your own.
After 3 months participating in a weekly EHP Dojo, please register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 12 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.14
After having joined an EHP Warmup Dojo for 2 months and having participated in an EHP Dojo for at least 3 months, you could be ready to create your own EHP Dojo where you are the spaceholder and also therefore the guardian of that space.
Refer back to the instructions in the context for how to create an EHP Dojo.
Decide if your EHP Dojo is online or offline, if it is open or dedicated to a specific Specialty. Publicize your EHP Dojo and make sure that people know about it.
After spaceholding your third EHP Dojo session, please register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.14 in your account at StartOver.xyz. Thank you for your courage.
This Experiment is worth 12 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.15
Use 3 of your own EHPs for 3 characters in a story.
Write out their interactions in a film script, short story, or novel.
Have your characters interact with each other and the world and their life in the unhealed state. Gradually have them go one at a time through some kind of EHP. Only one should happen at an EHP Dojo.
Somebody has a realization. Conflicts and hatred, competition and war, alcohol and suppression, the invitations to EHPs may be intense. But how do your characters recognize the opportunities they are given?
Each of your characters will somehow go through EHP, but only one through a Dojo. Publish the book or manuscript or make the film. Register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.15. Then become rich and famous.
This Experiment is worth 9 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.16
Make a regular time and space in your gameworld every week so that your Team can participate together in a regular EHP Dojo space. This is how to activate the Bright Principles of, for example, Evolution, or Transformation in your gameworld in reality, rather than as just a theory. Have the EHP Dojo take place 'on company time', meaning that it becomes central to your Gameworld culture, not some 'extra-curricular activity'. Make your weekly EHP Dojo a radically safe environment in which people can be authentic, vulnerable, connected and go through healing and initiation within the framework of your Gameworld, family, church, business, Outdoor Adventure Club, etc. During the following months, notice what happens to your people when they are fed with the experience of healing as evolution. Celebrate each person's new decisions and breakthroughs in your Team. After your first EHP Dojo Results Celebration, please register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.16 at StartOver.xyz.
Matrix Code: EHPDOJOx.17
At some point... perhaps more than one point... and perhaps sooner than you might imagine... it becomes exceptionally valuable to do an Emotional Healing Intensive. Full instructions are given at the Emotional Healing Intensive website. In short, this is a set period of time (for example, one week, two weeks, or four weeks) where you use EVERY emotional reaction that arises - mixed or pure - any bit of jealousy, any fears hanging around, any resentment, any thoughts of revenge, any guilt, any shame... as a Doorway to an Emotional Healing Process. Any rabbit hole that appears, you jump fully into it and do the Process. Before you start you formally arrange an Emotional Healing Intensive Team with your EHP Dojo buddies, or others skilled in navigating EHPs. Remember, a single issue may have as many as seven layers to dive through before it is transformed.
After your Emotional Healing Process is completed, please write an article about your adventure, where you went, what you discovered there. Then register Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Please give the link to your article as proof.
This EHP Dojo Experiment is worth 10 Matrix Points.
The first apprentice skill is how to fall well.
EHP Dojo Contact Form
Spaceholder: Nicole Hartley-Bradford
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code EHPDOJOx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!